Unregulated Care Provider Training and Education

Unregulated Care Provider (UCP) is the designation for an unregulated employee who performs a variety of tasks some of which may have traditionally been provided by regulated professionals.

UCPs commonly provide routine medications to residents in the Retirement, Group and Home Care settings under the supervision of Registered staff.  Pharmacies are in a key position to support their customers in the training of their Unregulated Care Providers.

Rax Medical Technology provides your pharmacy with the educational tools necessary to offer your customers a comprehensive online medication training course.  Our Online UCP Training program was designed by Registered Nurses in consultation with Pharmacists to ensure compliance with standards set out by the Ontario College of Pharmacists and the College of Nurses of Ontario.

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Your pharmacy will receive a unique user name and password, providing access to the Unregulated Care Provider Training Manual and Interactive Online Testing.  Simply provide your pharmacy`s user name and password to your customers so that they can access these valuable online training tools.   Upon completion of the UCP Training program, the Final Exam Results and a Certificate of Participation will be issued in the name of the participant. You can also customize the certificate to include your pharmacy logo.